Thursday, September 18, 2014

Fundraiser and Saturday Showing!

Good afternoon everyone! PR here again with some more updates for you!

This Saturday the 20th we will be holding 2 events.

First is the Fundraiser, which will be a Bake Sale at the Alumni Gateway across the street from either of the bookstores on Court Street. Set up will be at 9:30 am, the event will happen between 10 am and 1:30 pm at the latest. We are planning to make grilled cheese, PB&Js, vegan brownies and we will be serving cold beverages like Orange Juice and Cider. There are also possibilities of pumpkin spice muffins, french toast and other baked breakfast items.

If anyone needs to make a trip to Kroger for supplies they wish to donate to this event I - Maddie - will be giving rides tomorrow [Friday] during dinner break which has been extended to an hour to allow time for this trip. I have room for 2-3 more people if a trip needs to be made. Samantha and Ali have offered their rental house's kitchen on Walker Street for use to do baking if it is needed and Fajer has offered her kitchen to any girls who would like to join her and Bailey in her house at River Park. Please contact them (or me) if you need to "borrow" a kitchen.

Second is the Retro Gaming Saturday Showing! In early celebration of Nintendo's 125th Anniversary (and early celebration of my and Ryan B's birthdays which fall on the same day as Nintendo's actual anniversary) we will be hosting a get together in Morton 218 and 219 from 6 pm throughout the early morning hours. The room has been reserved for 5:30 so set up for any big events can happen if necessary.

At this even we will have WiiU and Wii games, SNES/NES games, GameCube games, 90's anime, Jeopardy, Karaoke, Cosplay contest and "Horrible Fanfiction" for those who wish to stick around and check that out. We hope to see everyone there!

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me or any other board members! We're more than happy to help you out!

It's almost Friday so hang in there friends!

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