Sunday, March 8, 2015

Upcoming Tuesday (3/10/15) Meeting Happenings

Greetings fellow anime lovers and otaku alike! I hope everyone enjoyed their Spring Break despite getting nearly a foot of snow (if you live in southern Ohio, eastern Kentucky, etc). We start classes again tomorrow and have a meeting this coming Tuesday. We have a few things going on that are very important this Tuesday so here's a quick rundown of what will take place.

Board/Officer Elections

Tuesday we will hold our elections for the 2015-2016 board members. A glimpse at who is running is as follows.

~ Maddie Stricklin
~ Halee Smith

~ Tristan Wayne

~ Jacob Jones
~ Halee Smith

~ Ali Smith
~ Sarah Reichart

~ Hannah Yinger

Voting will take place among paid members and alumni of the club during the meeting time after each rep has made their presentations. Best of luck to everyone.

Convention and Trip Refunds.

Jimmy has gotten the paperwork done from the two conventions and has hashed out who is getting what money back for the three trips we have taken this semester. If you drove to Sushiko and/or Ohayocon and attended Katsucon with us (in the van) then talk to Jimmy about getting your refund back.

Usual Shenanigans.

With events coming up through the University and other events that we have planned, we will ensue with our usual obnoxiousness and discuss what our plans for the second half of the semester include. Events include a possible fundraiser for Mom's Weekend next month [April], a second Saturday Showing, an end of the semester/year study party the weekend before finals week and a few others.

I hope everyone sleeps well tonight and gets to class without too many hiccups tomorrow morning. I know I'll have trouble getting up at my usual 7:30 am rather than closer to 10/11 am or some strange time in the afternoon. See everyone Tuesday!!

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