Monday, February 8, 2016

Hello everyone!

We are only 4 days away from Katsucon! I am super excited as I hope you all are as well. This is a reminder that we will be meeting in the Morton Hall parking lot at 5am Friday morning. Yes, 5am. If you are not there by 5:45am you will be left behind as we need to leave by then in order to make it to National Harbor by hopefully 1pm. The car ride will be around 7-8 hours depending on how many stops we make so make sure you bring something to do during this time. Books, 3DS's, music, or anything else is welcome. There will be music played in the cars as well though for fun and also for our drivers. Once we are there we will check into our hotel rooms and you will be free to go off and get your badges for the weekend.

The exact time we will be leaving on Sunday is still up in the air. The con itself ends at 3pm so it will be sometime before then. Communicate with the people in your van if you have a panel you want to see later in the day on Sunday so we can work out an exact time to leave. Plan on being back in Athens by midnight at the latest.

If you have any questions regarding the convention please contact one of the board members or ask us during the meeting tomorrow.

One other reminder is that we will be having a make up showing for the one we missed due to the snow. This will be the first Saturday after spring break on March 5th. We will also have a Friday showing that week which means two days of showing. The showing on March 5th will start at around noon.

That's all for now! I hope those of you who are going to Katsucon are excited! I hope that everyone else has an enjoyable weekend.


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