Thursday, February 20, 2014

Update: February 20, 2014

I waited to update everyone because a lot of the things that we have been doing are all similar in taste from the last few Tuesday meetings. To make it easier on all of you I wanted to update you all at once rather than put it into thirds and make it confusing.

Last week we reviewed what we wanted to change in the Japanese Connection Constitution. Some of the Easter Eggs within it were changed and the idea of moving the size of the board and jobs of each board member were reviewed, as well as a few clauses were added involving "Damn it, Jimmy/Rico" and the calling of a member who has attended for the most years "Uncle". We also thought to add a clause stating that a certain someone cannot play Mario Party unless personally asked to take care of someone who's on a bit of an obnoxious winning streak.

This week we put everything to a vote.

1. Librarian Title has been removed from the Board; Board is now 5 member large
2. Public Relations has been changed to "Scribe" and the duties have been shuffled, removed and added
3. "Damn it, Jimmy" and/or "Damn it, Rico" are to be said when anyone or anything does something wrong
4. Jacob is not allowed to play Mario Party unless the club deems it necessary
5. Vice President is in charge of the Prize Bin
6. Stonecocks is now Ironcocks

Also on the agenda for the week after Spring Break (March 3 through March 7) are elections. So far, the people running for positions are as follows...

  ~ Samantha Faris

Vice President:
  ~ Pancake Syrup [inside joke]
  ~ Matthew Scottie Luhn

  ~ Alison Smith
  ~ Jimmy Bulow

  ~ Maddie Stricklin
  ~ Ryan Brown

  ~ Luke Oleksiak
  ~ Hannah Yinger

These are subject to change within the week as people can nominate others at the next Tuesday meeting or they can drop their nomination if they no longer wish to run. Voting will ensue on March 11.

In other news - and to move onto something more exciting - there will be a Saturday Social this weekend (February 22) from 5 to 11. The time ending is more of a question rather than a statement seeing as we usually run over and there are plenty of events planned. It will be held in Morton 235, just like the Friday Showings. The schedule looks something like this:

5-11 in Morton 235

Game Systems @ 5/5:15
   w/ Maddie, Ryan & Jimmy
Psyduck, Psyduck, Slowbro @ 5/5:15
   [During Video game play]
   *Online game of Cards Against Humanity may ensue*
Blank vs. Blank @ 6:45 PM
   w/ Luke, Fajer & Ali
Tristan's GlopGlop Fanfic Game @ 8:15
   w/ Tristan [and other judges if needed]
Jeopardy @ 10 PM
   w/ Jimmy & Ali
"Spring Break Spectacular" -- After Jeopardy w/ Luke & Jimmy

Console Games will range from a variety of Mario games, Just Dance 4, Black Eyed Peas Experience, and more. Games will be explained upon request if any new people arrive and wish to partake in our shenanigans.

And lastly, a final tally was taken for those who wish to go to Midoricon 2.5 on March 29 and March 30. Hope everyone who goes has a great time!

Long post is long. But no worries. It's over.

Kudos and see you guys Friday.
~ Maddie Stricklin

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