Tuesday, February 4, 2014

What You Missed: Meeting 4

Today's meeting consisted of many things because of the missed week last week. If you couldn't make it to the meeting, here is a synopsis of what you missed...

Constitutional Review:
    It was put to a vote tonight; general consensus says we should do the review and changes before elections as there is a possibility of dropping one of six members

Midoricon 2.5:
    If you enjoyed Ohayocon and wish to try out another convention, Midoricon 2.5 is being held on March 29 & 30 in Portsmouth, Ohio. Badges are $25 and with 5 people to a room will run $20 a person. General consensus of 20+ [4 rooms] says we will attempt going. More information will be available on the website:


Saturday Showing:
    Dates were suggested and are as follows:
~ February 22
~ April 12

Other date suggestions? Let us know! Possibility of using both dates is in the air. Updates will be up next week on this idea.

If you drove to Ohayocon, Scotty has money to compensate you. Compensation for parking is still being worked out, so please be patient :)

Discussed at Roundtable:
    - Lego Movie Trailer --> Group to go to the movie is being set up for Sunday at the Athena Grand. Time is 1:30; meet at the theater or
    - In Morton 235 after meetings Zoe and Scotty will be showing Code Lyoko. If the place changes an update will be issued
    - Watched "Video Game Quiz" by SmoshGames on YouTube
    - Hearthstone trailer was shown by Fajer
    - Happy Birthday Jocelyn Brown!! :)
    - Alex Schmitz is filming this weekend and next weekend and is looking for extras to help with filming. Contact him on Facebook for more information.

There is supposed to be some bad weather coming out way tonight so be careful tomorrow. Stay warm and stay safe!!

~ Maddie Stricklin

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