Friday, September 5, 2014

JMAGE Trip Lists

Okay, we've got a lot to figure out for transportation for trips and things, so here's how this will work. Here are 3 lists:
Ohayocon: Google Doc Link
Katsucon: Google Doc Link
Restaurant Trips: Google Doc Link
On each list please put:
-Your name
-An email that you'll actually check
-Whether you can be a driver, meaning you can drive and have a vehicle TO drive. (If you can be a
  driver, put how many passengers, meaning people in addition to the driver, can fit.)*
*Remember that for the cons, we're looking at people AND luggage, so you should probably be able to fit more in for the restaurant trip.

This is to help the board figure out numbers and transportation for all the fun things we want to do, as well as getting an email list so we can make sure to contact people about events relevant to them. Preferably put your legal name on the list, since I will most likely be using those to help register for cons and it can run into issues if you are registered under a different name. Also make sure you don't delete anyone else's name, that's extremely rude and immature and you wouldn't want someone to do it to you.

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