Thursday, September 4, 2014

Urgent Ohayocon Update

So the Treasurer went on a small errand to double check the dates that all funding was due and came to find that the Ohayocon webpage had made a rather large typo they had missed for the last few months - the badge fee is actually due September 15, not October 15. So, now that they have fixed it, we must fix our own thing.

Due to the application date being September 15 and not October 15: if you plan on going to Ohayocon 2015 with us, your badge fee ($40) is due on one of the following days: Friday September 5, Tuesday September 9 or Friday September 12. The money is due to Jimmy - or if he is not available at a Friday showing, you may give it to another board member to give to him.

With that being said, please turn in your money as soon as you can so we can get you the cheapest rate possible.

Enjoy your Friday!
~ Maddie Stricklin

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