Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Restaurant Trip Update

Hello everyone!

As previous updates have explained, on November 22 we will be making a trip to Columbus to eat at Sushiko. Our reservation is for 26 people at 12:30 pm.

On Facebook, we have a document that will allow you to put yourself in a car for the trip. Departure times will depend on the driver of said vehicle. If you do not put yourself in a car then you will not be given a ride - it is your responsibility.

On that note. I have contacted the manager of the restaurant personally and we have discussed the terms of having a large group in his establishment. He has asked that we pay by table and not per person - this is simply a convenience factor for their business. So I ask that everyone bring cash to pay for their meals or work out payment with those you plan on sitting with (someone pays with their card and others pay said person back, etc. This entirely depends on the people you will be sitting with).

And secondly, the manager has also given me his personal email and has requested we send in everyone's orders to him the day before so they can prepare things shortly before everyone's arrival. I will open up a document on the facebook for everyone to access and record their required amount of raw fish and tempura and soup.

I can't wait for the day to get here when we get together! See everyone soon!

~ Maddie

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