Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Welcome to a New Year!

Hello all!

I hope your first few days of classes have been good so far! Today was our first meeting of the year and while I had to leave due to health issues, I heard that everything went really well. A few things to go over from what was discussed at today's meeting:

Reminder that the deadline for the $60 badge price for Katsucon as well as the $40 badge price for Ohayocon is the 31st of August. If we have 10 people sign up for Katsucon then we will get $5 off each badge! Make sure to communicate to our Treasurer Halee about payments. She will be at our showing this Friday for you to pay for your badge. As for hotel fees, you do not have to worry about that right now as we will pay it closer to the date of the actual convention.

Today we met all of the board members. I hope to see everyone back next week for member introductions! If you cannot make it to next week's meeting, don't worry about it. You can always introduce yourself whenever you are able to come.

Grab Bag Results!
Now this is probably what you actually want. We had a few ties, so for this Friday we will have 14 shows instead of 13. Here they are:
Angel Beats
Ghost Stories
Tokyo Ghoul
Oran Higschool Host Club
Soul Eater
Kids on the Slope
Shinsekai Yori
Blue Exosist
Rokka no Yuusha

Remember to show up on Friday to vote for what actually will be shown in the showings for the rest of the semester!

That's all for now!

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