Monday, March 23, 2015

Bake Sale Planning

Happy Monday everyone!!

Tomorrow we will discuss things more in depth but for now I would like to post a quick update while my brain is on the topic - otherwise I will later lose my mind and not know what to do with myself. It's that kind of day. So.

Hannah and I took a quick trip to Nelson Market on South Green and picked up four boxes of cake mix. Two boxes of yellow and two boxes of devil's food. That makes about 100 cupcakes (assuming to boxes make 24 cupcakes each). I have been digging through Pinterest to find other recipes to try out - and goodness, was that a mistake. There are so many cupcakes on Pinterest.

I have plans to go to Kroger and/or Walmart later this week and pick up Angel Food cake mix, whipped cream, and chocolate, then close to the 11th I will pick up a batch of strawberries that can be chopped up and placed on top. Those should be a popular fix!

If anyone is wanting to help by donating food items or baking items like sugar, eggs, etc. to help out with the cause, they would be greatly appreciated - just send me a message on Facebook or ask a member of club for my personal contact information and contact me that way. We can work something out!

And finally, Walter has given us the OK to use his kitchen as our own personal bakery so I was hoping to do some baking on Thursday and Friday the 9th and 10th, and then we can do the full on bake sale Saturday, the 11th.

See everyone tomorrow!
~ Maddie

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