Wednesday, January 22, 2014

What You Missed: Meeting #2

Yesterday we discussed rides and etiquette for Ohayocon. President Sam gave a wonderful presentation about how to act and such. Biggest rules: "Ask the cutie before you touch the booty" and respect the talent at panels and such.

The anime was revealed for the Friday showings. They are as follows:
~ Sympho Gear
~ Space Battle Yamato 2199
~ Tiger & Bunny
~ Basilisk
~ Hellsing OVA
~ Gokaiger (Space Pirate Power Rangers)

Showing schedule will be announced next Friday after Ohayocon!!

In other news, Fajer Boarki will be taking photos if you ask her nicely while at the convention this weekend so please do not hesitate to ask her for a couple shots on your down time!!

The Ohayocon schedule has been posted to the website so those of you who wish it may create an itinerary for yourselves. The ball is Friday night - better get there early if you wish to attend!!

I hope everyone has their cosplays packed away nice, clean and safely, and/or that they are completely finished. I personally have just applied my acrylic nails and am working on their functionality. So far so good!

Driver listings are on the Facebook. Do make sure to remember where you are meeting and who to contact if  you are going to be late and whatnot.

Sorry for the delay and God speed to you all!
Maddie Stricklin

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