Tuesday, January 14, 2014

"What You Missed" - January 14 Meeting

Hello everyone and welcome back to another Semester with us here at Ohio University. Our first meeting of the Spring 2014 era was today - January 14th - at our usual place and time. If you missed the meeting tonight, here is a small list of what we discussed:

    OhayoCon Drivers:
With the convention coming up soon we discussed who would go in what car. Nothing is set in stone just yet but you all will be updated by Twitter, Facebook and on here when everything is situated and ready to go.

As of now, the document is on the Facebook page and you may go look, alter and/or connive about rides.

    Activites for Friday Breaks:
Ideas for activities during our lunch break will range from games AND cultural activities. Thus far on the list (for after OhayoCon) is a tutorial on Onigiri and a tutorial on some Origami things.

Once OhayoCon is over we will discuss things we can do that everyone is interested in doing or playing.

   Friday Showing Nominations:
We put up nominations and put it to a vote. Our Friday nomination line up for this week is as follows...
1. Space Battle Yamato
2. Gokaiger (Space Pirate Power Rangers)
3. Cromartie High School
4. Valvrave: The Liberator
5. Magi: The Kingdom of Magic
6. JoJo's Strange Adventure
7. Basilisk
8. Tiger + Bunny
9. Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood (2nd half of the arc)
10. Blood+ (2nd half of the arc)
11. Symphogear
12. Hellsing OVA
13. Code Geass

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