Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Election Results and Upcoming Events

Hello everyone and welcome back to Ohio University. Hope everyone had a good spring break and is not hating life too much now that they are back on campus.

This week we had our board member elections for next year. The results are as follows:

President: Samantha Faris
Vice President: Matthew "Scottie" Luhn
Treasurer: Jimmy Bulow
Scribe: Maddie Stricklin
Web Master: Hannah Yinger

Also discussed was a date for the Club Picnic and group photograph. The date suggested right now is April 12th, the Saturday a week before Easter. We are planning for it to be later in the day, around 5:30 PM or around that time.

There is also the possibility of a final Saturday Showing in April as an end of the year get together before the university lets out for Summer.

Note for scheduling: Ohio University has put up their course offerings for the Fall '14 Semester! They were uploaded Monday night. It is not possible for everyone to start looking up classes for the upcoming year!

I will also begin planning the Fall Semester schedule for next year, as per the new requirement of my position.

Enjoy the rest of your week everyone! And see you all on Friday.

~ Maddie Stricklin

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