Thursday, March 20, 2014

Update from the Tuesday Meeting

If you missed the meeting Tuesday here's a quick update one what we discussed.

The picnic/Saturday Social is set for April 12th at the moment, starting at 5 PM. It will be potluck style and the document will be available on the Facebook for you to add what you will be bringing. We will be grilling out at the West State Street ball field back behind the University Commons and behind Larry's Dawg House (do not worry. It is about a 25 minute walk from campus).

The list of what is being brought so far is as follows:
Hannah Yinger = buns!!
Maddie Stricklin = Homemade Sugar cookies

There are some upcoming events through OU that the club may take a part in - once that is decided, we will update you!

Also, tomorrow night at 7:00 PM at the Memorial Auditorium there will be a Tao: Pheonix Rising Taiko drum concert. It costs $12 for OU Students to get in at the door and it looks to be a great show. Ali and myself will be going so feel free to join us!

See everyone tomorrow at the showing
~ Maddie Stricklin

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