Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Fundraising Part 2

Hello all! I hope everyone is having a much better week than I am! Tuesday we discussed one major thing and that was fundraising. Since we seem to be making more and more trips out of town (this semester we even went out of state!) we have discussed and are working to set up a second bake sale this year.

The weekend of April 11 is Mom's weekend. Considering the weekend is an OU student favorite we believe that having a bake sale should be a great idea to raise a decent amount of money! So if you have extra flex points leftover at the end of the next few weeks and want to help out, donations of cake mix, cookie dough, frosting and any other item that can help with baked goods would be much appreciated.

The initial baking will take place either Thursday or Friday the day before we all set up shop and begin selling our baked goods. I have already requested using my boyfriend - Walter's - kitchen to bake items and he has given us the thumbs up. So all who wish to help bake items are welcome to come out to his place with me and bake some lovely items.

I can supply a table and potentially a tent depending on where we decide to set up shop. Since we plan to work on a Saturday (which is the 11 of April) it may be possible we can set up a table right outside the back door at my work (College Book Store). When all the details have been set up, an update will be posted here to the blog and on the Facebook!

~ Maddie

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