Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Saturday Social

Hey all! I hope everyone had a wonderful spring break!

The meeting today had two large topics: new board elections and the Saturday showing.

First- the new board for next semester is as follows:
President: Ali Smith
Vice President: Jacob Jones
Treasurer: Jake Lederer
PR: Sarah Reichart
Webmaster: JJ Burns

Congrats to everyone on the new board! I am super excited to serve as president next semester!

The list of movies for the Saturday showing are as follows:
Tekken Movie
Mad Bull 34
Garzey's Wing
Robo Geisha (dub)
Pita 10

The list of games that are going to be played are as follows:
Jeopardy led by Jimmy and Ali
Blank vs Blank led by Jimmy, Jake, Ali, Halee, and Tristan
Fanfiction led by Tristan
Cards Against Humanity
Gaming stuff/video games led by Jake, Hee-Kyung, and Jacob
Pokemon Tournament

I am super excited for this weekend! If you have any questions about the Saturday showing just ask!

Monday, February 8, 2016

Hello everyone!

We are only 4 days away from Katsucon! I am super excited as I hope you all are as well. This is a reminder that we will be meeting in the Morton Hall parking lot at 5am Friday morning. Yes, 5am. If you are not there by 5:45am you will be left behind as we need to leave by then in order to make it to National Harbor by hopefully 1pm. The car ride will be around 7-8 hours depending on how many stops we make so make sure you bring something to do during this time. Books, 3DS's, music, or anything else is welcome. There will be music played in the cars as well though for fun and also for our drivers. Once we are there we will check into our hotel rooms and you will be free to go off and get your badges for the weekend.

The exact time we will be leaving on Sunday is still up in the air. The con itself ends at 3pm so it will be sometime before then. Communicate with the people in your van if you have a panel you want to see later in the day on Sunday so we can work out an exact time to leave. Plan on being back in Athens by midnight at the latest.

If you have any questions regarding the convention please contact one of the board members or ask us during the meeting tomorrow.

One other reminder is that we will be having a make up showing for the one we missed due to the snow. This will be the first Saturday after spring break on March 5th. We will also have a Friday showing that week which means two days of showing. The showing on March 5th will start at around noon.

That's all for now! I hope those of you who are going to Katsucon are excited! I hope that everyone else has an enjoyable weekend.


Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Hello all!

This is a test to make sure that I am able to post again. I apologize for the lack of posts, some weird technical errors were happening! I will begin to post updates again if this works!


Monday, February 1, 2016

Apologies for Lack of Updates.

Greetings friends.

I would like to apologize for the lack of updates - it has been brought to my attention that we were having issues with update posts going through. I believe the problem has been fixed, now, so expect more updates about the club in the following weeks.

Have a great Tuesday!

Maddie Stricklin
JMAGE Club President 2015-2016

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Welcome to a New Year!

Hello all!

I hope your first few days of classes have been good so far! Today was our first meeting of the year and while I had to leave due to health issues, I heard that everything went really well. A few things to go over from what was discussed at today's meeting:

Reminder that the deadline for the $60 badge price for Katsucon as well as the $40 badge price for Ohayocon is the 31st of August. If we have 10 people sign up for Katsucon then we will get $5 off each badge! Make sure to communicate to our Treasurer Halee about payments. She will be at our showing this Friday for you to pay for your badge. As for hotel fees, you do not have to worry about that right now as we will pay it closer to the date of the actual convention.

Today we met all of the board members. I hope to see everyone back next week for member introductions! If you cannot make it to next week's meeting, don't worry about it. You can always introduce yourself whenever you are able to come.

Grab Bag Results!
Now this is probably what you actually want. We had a few ties, so for this Friday we will have 14 shows instead of 13. Here they are:
Angel Beats
Ghost Stories
Tokyo Ghoul
Oran Higschool Host Club
Soul Eater
Kids on the Slope
Shinsekai Yori
Blue Exosist
Rokka no Yuusha

Remember to show up on Friday to vote for what actually will be shown in the showings for the rest of the semester!

That's all for now!

Monday, March 23, 2015

Bake Sale Planning

Happy Monday everyone!!

Tomorrow we will discuss things more in depth but for now I would like to post a quick update while my brain is on the topic - otherwise I will later lose my mind and not know what to do with myself. It's that kind of day. So.

Hannah and I took a quick trip to Nelson Market on South Green and picked up four boxes of cake mix. Two boxes of yellow and two boxes of devil's food. That makes about 100 cupcakes (assuming to boxes make 24 cupcakes each). I have been digging through Pinterest to find other recipes to try out - and goodness, was that a mistake. There are so many cupcakes on Pinterest.

I have plans to go to Kroger and/or Walmart later this week and pick up Angel Food cake mix, whipped cream, and chocolate, then close to the 11th I will pick up a batch of strawberries that can be chopped up and placed on top. Those should be a popular fix!

If anyone is wanting to help by donating food items or baking items like sugar, eggs, etc. to help out with the cause, they would be greatly appreciated - just send me a message on Facebook or ask a member of club for my personal contact information and contact me that way. We can work something out!

And finally, Walter has given us the OK to use his kitchen as our own personal bakery so I was hoping to do some baking on Thursday and Friday the 9th and 10th, and then we can do the full on bake sale Saturday, the 11th.

See everyone tomorrow!
~ Maddie

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Fundraising Part 2

Hello all! I hope everyone is having a much better week than I am! Tuesday we discussed one major thing and that was fundraising. Since we seem to be making more and more trips out of town (this semester we even went out of state!) we have discussed and are working to set up a second bake sale this year.

The weekend of April 11 is Mom's weekend. Considering the weekend is an OU student favorite we believe that having a bake sale should be a great idea to raise a decent amount of money! So if you have extra flex points leftover at the end of the next few weeks and want to help out, donations of cake mix, cookie dough, frosting and any other item that can help with baked goods would be much appreciated.

The initial baking will take place either Thursday or Friday the day before we all set up shop and begin selling our baked goods. I have already requested using my boyfriend - Walter's - kitchen to bake items and he has given us the thumbs up. So all who wish to help bake items are welcome to come out to his place with me and bake some lovely items.

I can supply a table and potentially a tent depending on where we decide to set up shop. Since we plan to work on a Saturday (which is the 11 of April) it may be possible we can set up a table right outside the back door at my work (College Book Store). When all the details have been set up, an update will be posted here to the blog and on the Facebook!

~ Maddie